Faux Christmas Trees: The Faker the Better!

With Christmas in 3 days, I thought I would talk about how much I love faux Christmas trees. And not the ones that are meant to look like the real thing. I mean silver, white, colored trees. The faker the better!  I love the whimsy and fun they bring to a room.  When we lived in our apartments in Boston and Somerville, we used to put up this skinny, silver tree that I bought at Target.  It was adorable (and was much easier to take down than trekking a needle shedding, real tree down 3 flights of stairs).   Now that we are in a house, have kids, and aren't traveling for the holidays, we've opted for the real thing, which don't get me wrong, I also LOVE (I mean the smell alone!)  But next year maybe I'll bring back the faux tree for a change, or pop it up in my son's bedroom.  Here are a few of my favorites that I've seen over the years. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!


Color Love: Icey Blue


Color Love: Greenery